The BIG name in WA steel
Inquiries, quotes and orders — sales@abrolhossteel.com.au or 9935 9160
New opening hours: 7.30am-5.00pm Mon-Fri
Container Solutions...
Another new exciting project that Abrolhos Steel has embarked on is renovating and converting 20 and 40-ft containers into remote-site offices, crib rooms, kitchens, toilets and storage facilities.
Combined with a combination of containers and dome shelters, Abrolhos Steel has been creating work spaces for remote contractors around Western Australia. Designs are custom-built based on clients’ needs and requirements.
The growth of this division has sprung from the growing onsite requirements for Abrolhos Steel’s clients, which has now plugged a gap in the market.
Abrolhos Steel Managing Director Phil Martin says: “This is an exciting venture for our business as we dovetail with our client’s expansion needs. Within a month we can create a workspace in the middle of nowhere with the use of these 20 and 40ft containers. With the long-term experience and know-how, we can set up the groundworks for these new camp facilities.”
Contact Phil to see how Abrolhos Steel can provide solutions for your remote-site projects.
Check out the "Containers "page.
Buy a Trailer...
Abrolhos Steel has gone into partnership with John Papas Trailers to sell its products in the Mid-West.
Abrolhos will offer the full range of trailers and already has a large display at its Webberton headquarters.
Abrolhos Steel owner Phil Martin said it was a tremendous synergy to offer high-quality, WA-made trailers to Mid-West customers.
“I’m delighted to be able to offer this service to our customers and bring the trusted name of John Papas to Geraldton.
“Come on in, buy everything from light to heavy duty and have it registered and out the door in 15 minutes.”
John Papas Trailers’ Ivan Pelicon said: “We at John Papas Trailers are happy to bring Philip Martin on board from Abrolhos Steel to sell our trailers in the Mid-West region. John Papas Trailers has been established since 1963 and still manufacturing a large range of trailers to suit our customers’ needs.”

Trading With Us...

We would like to make trading with us simple and direct, so please ask you to infill the
Abrolhos Steel Credit Application Form
and return to accounts@abrolhossteel.com.au.
Contact us on
08 9935 9160
9 Beaver Street, Geraldton