The BIG name in WA steel
Inquiries, quotes and orders — sales@abrolhossteel.com.au or 9935 9160
New opening hours: 7.30am-5.00pm Mon-Fri

Another new exciting project that Abrolhos Steel has embarked on is renovating and converting 20 and 40-ft containers into remote-site offices, crib rooms, kitchens, toilets and storage facilities.
Combined with a combination of containers and dome shelters, Abrolhos Steel has been creating work spaces for remote contractors around Western Australia.
Designs are custom-built based on clients’ needs and requirements.
The growth of this division has sprung from the growing onsite requirements for Abrolhos Steel’s clients, which has now plugged a gap in the market.
Abrolhos Steel Managing Director Phil Martin says: “This is an exciting venture for our business as we dovetail with our client’s expansion needs.
“Within a month we can create a workspace in the middle of nowhere with the use of these 20 and 40ft containers.
“With the long-term experience and know-how, we can set up the groundworks for these new camp facilities.”
Contact Phil to see how Abrolhos Steel can provide solutions for your remote-site projects.